Kanye West, Marketing’s Best.

Marketing.  What does it mean?

Well, according to a basic Google search, the general definition of Marketing is to advertise or promote something, and that ‘something’ is usually a product, service, or even an individual!

Generally, you would want to market someone or something in the best possible way, in order to attempt to achieve success.

Positive Exposure +  Positive Reputation = Positive Outcome …. Right?  WELL in more recent times, it turns out that quite the ‘opposite’ attributes can be just as effective, if not, even better, to gain exposure and a speedy success.


Prime Example:   Kanye West – a master of the media.

Listed below, are a few examples of Kanye’s ‘unforgettable’ moments.

… The list goes on!

Theorists will say that Kanye has us all talking about him right now – if anyone is to blame, it’s probably… us.  Because, like it or not, the media can not get enough of him, and as much as ‘we’ the public like to criticise and boast about his mistakes, according to Kanye, it wont hold him back, it can only make him “stronger“.


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